The DFG excellence cluster MATH+ in Berlin organizes a Thematic Einstein Semester on Optimization and Machine Learning during the summer term 2023. In this context, a focused workshop titled “Exploring synergies: Machine Learning Meets Physics & Optimization” will take place.

The workshop, which is scheduled to take place from April 26-28, 2023 at the Zuse Institute Berlin, is intended to be a small-scale, in-person meeting. The presentations will be divided into three sessions, and the workshop is expected to host 60-70 participant.



The workshop will take place the main lecture hall (n. 2005) and in the seminar room (n. 2006) of the Zuse Institute Berlin, Takustraße 7, 14195 Berlin, DE.



Local organizers: Gabriele Iommazzo and Kartikey Sharma

External organizers: Pascal Van Hentenryck, Paris Perdikaris, Marc Pfetsch.



For agenda and event information, click here.